The days are getting colder and the nights are drawing in, which can only mean one thing: winter is coming. It’s time to dig out your knitted jumpers and say goodbye to iced smoothies for another year, but which beverage are you going to swap them for? We believe that hand-roasted coffee truly is the superior winter drink and should become your treasured companion throughout the colder months. Don’t believe us? Here are four reasons why a warm cup of coffee should be your go-to beverage this winter:
1. Stave off the winter chill
Wet weather and snowstorms are part of winter and they can make journeying outside miserable – the chill can get right into your bones leaving you unable to warm up all day. However, a hot cup of coffee can heat up your body, protecting it from the elements. Your commute to work will be so much more enjoyable with a toasty travel mug of coffee warming your hands.
2. Get some energy for the Christmas deadlines
The run-up to Christmas is usually a blur and you’re forced to keep up with your hectic work deadlines, all while you try to find the time to do some festive shopping on the side. For most people, coffee in the office is a necessity, allowing them to plough through their workload quickly and efficiently.
3. Experiment with mochas
Hot chocolates are the most popular drinks of the winter season, especially as Christmas draws in. However, why not shake up your chocolatey drink this year by adding a shot of coffee? Mochas truly are delicious, cutting through the overpowering sweetness of the hot chocolate. There are so many mocha recipes for you to experiment with, so hit the internet and search for one that calls to you.
4. Fight off the winter colds
Coughs and sneezes are all too common in winter, as your body tries to fight off winter bugs and viruses. However, did you know that coffee is actually really good for your health? It contains a whole host of vitamin and nutrients, including vitamin B2 and B5 that will help to keep you healthy.