Caffeine could improve Athletic Performance

A study taken by Simon Higgins, from the University of Georgia, has revealed that drinking coffee before exercising can actually increase the level of endurance performance, as published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

The research taken in this study is extremely thorough, with over 600 scholarly articles reviewed. Most of the articles focused on the effects of pure caffeine on the level of endurance performance. The articles, focused on controlled trials specifically using coffee to improve endurance. From the nine trials selected, they revealed that on average coffee increased endurance performance by 24 per cent. Higgins believes that this information is “helpful for athletes because coffee is a naturally occurring compound” and it appears as if “drinking coffee has similar benefits to taking caffeine pills.”

It was also discovered that drinking coffee could also enhance the level of physical performance as well, but it is very apparent that there has not been enough research to be able to make such a big claim. Not enough high quality research has been taken into looking into the effects of coffee on the level of endurance performance, which is quite surprising as the benefits of pure caffeine on endurance performance could be very similar to effects of pure caffeine.

Higgins also commented that to be able to give an official verdict to athletes, then a lot more research will need to be taken especially as the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee can vary depending on how it is prepared.

Source: Coffee & Cocoa International. (2016). Caffeine May Improve Athletic Performance. Available: Last accessed 22nd Jan 2016.

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